Tuesday 22 May 2007

So, who didn't drink to my good health? Bastard!

Right, second blog, subject - health. I get a lot of headaches and have looked into lots of different ways of preventing them without any real success. So my doctor asked me to do a blood test, which I did. He phoned the other week to say that my results showed high cholestrol and also he wasn't sure my liver was functioning fully, so he wanted me to do a second blood test. I did this last Thursday and the results should be in this Thursday.
SO, I've since found out that my Ma has high cholestrol, and has taken tablets for it since she was in her early thirties (she's 50 now). I noticed today on a packet of tablets (paracetamol) that it warned "Consult your doctor if you have sever kidney or liver disease" which I don't (as far as I know!) but got me thinking that perhaps my liver isn't functioning properly because of all the pills I take for my headaches - but we'll see what the doctor says, I think that's likely though as I've been taking them several times a week for YEARS. So if it is that, I'm sure it can be resolved.

Finally, my Ma said that when she was taking these tablets (I may be confused as she's also had problems with headaches / migraines and stomach) that she had low levels of serotonin so was given tablets to boost that for a few years. Serotonin eh, now that rings a bell...

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